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 Escape The Pressures & Crowds with a Day on the Farm - Harvest Days Oct. 7

      With the rapid pace of modern life and no time to decompress, let Harvest Days at Garfield Farm Museum come to the rescue and remind one what life is all about on Sunday, October 7 from 11:30 am - 4 pm.
      Harvest Days is a great time to bring family and friends together in a non-commercial setting amongst the beautiful rolling hills and fields of the 370 acre Garfield Farm Museum. Harvest Days features a different pace of life when the steady plodding of oxen set the tempo and the sun over head, not a cell phone LCD, dictated the change of the hour. By demonstrating the skills of housekeeping and farming of over 160 years ago, Harvest Days slows life down enough to notice simple realities of life that we jaded adults overlook but are reminded by the wondrous eyes of children.
     Harvest Days recall what it took to shape and build this country that present day Americans need to understand in these uncertain times. A bounty of food produced by the rich prairie soils and a government by the people allowing for private property ownership, sustains this democracy like none other in the world. Standing amongst the tall prairie grasses at the farm that so enriched our soil, gives new respect to something as simple as a plant.
     The tedious but rhythmic labor of flailing and winnowing the tiny grains of wheat, tied life so much more closely to the seasons, that complex machines, refrigeration and mass transportation have since severed. Today we must work at recognizing these simple realities and Harvest Days sheds such light for all to see as volunteers shock corn, press cider or harvest the garden.
     Garfield Farm Museum’s goal to portray a historically intact 1840s working farm with the help of donors and volunteers nationwide, has maintained a true farm setting few can offer. The neat even suburban look of manicured lawns and roadsides on today?s farms contrasts the grazed grounds of Garfield with random tufts of less palatable plants the sheep ignore and the bare patches of dirt scratched clean by truly free ranging chickens.
     Entertainment demanded a patience to listen to an oft told tale that’s outcome was not so much the fun as the way the tale was told. Reid Miller, teller of tall tales, captures the essence of this art in his performances throughout the day. As he resurrects “Ol’ Dry Fry” and that boy Jack, always in need of a lesson, Miller spins his tales as deftly as the wool spun by the volunteers demonstrating on the spinning wheel.
     A Farmer’s Market of baked goods and fall produce offers a taste of this elusive era to take home. Inglenook Pantry of Geneva, IL will offer refreshments and food so a full afternoon can be spent leisurely taking in what our ancestors once lived.
     Begun in 1982, Harvests Days originally known as the Fall Festival, is the museum’s oldest fundraising event and was the first to hint of the future of the farm portraying activities of the 1840s.Tours of the 1846 brick tavern will be ongoing throughout the day. There is a $6 donation for adults, $3 for children 12 years old and under. Organized youth groups are $4 each. For information call 630 584-8485 or email Garfield Farm Msueum is located 5 miles west of Geneva, IL off ILL Rt. 38 on Garfield Road.

For more information about Garfield Farm send an e-mail message to: or call 630/584-8485.